Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I deserve my successes...

Brian Tracy

This is Brian Tracy. He doesn't know it but he is one of my mentors. I own a lot of Brian Tracy audios and DVD's. I do something crazy with his audios and videos, like I watch the videos, listen to the audios and take notes, looking for the ideas that can change my life. The information I have recieved has been instrumental in the reconstruction of my life and the development in a philosophy that helps me work towards future successes.

One of my favorites is The Psychology of Selling By Brian Tracy. This is one of the first Nightingale-Conant programs I purchased back in 1999 or 2000 and although I lost that copy, I replaced it and still own it today. He basically outlines what is required in one of the toughest jobs in the world, commissioned sales. For years, I have wanted to achieve success in business. I have all the intelligence, if not more than necessary, but without a degree to get my career started, this has been the avenue to get started for me. For some reason there was always something holding me back, some unseen force I could not reckon with or conquer. For years, I tried and failed. For years, I could not get through the first 40 minute session on the "Self-Image."

One of the hardest things to overcome is the feeling of constant rejection that comes from being previously homeless. That feeling doesn't go away without a lot of effort. Here's the kicker though. Not too many people become accidentally homeless in the U.S. There is something that they were doing or something that they were not doing that got them there in the first place. It was almost as though I was rejecting myself from the successes that life COULD (and does) offer. The real task comes from getting one's stuff together and start achieving more and doing more.

In The Psychology of Selling, Brian puts forth that you cannot achieve anything unless you feel like you deserve the successes. From the perspective of a sales rep, if you feel that aren't worth more than $50,000 a year, you will never earn more than $50,000, for example. This is the "self-image" I had to re-create in myself. I started to re-create it by investing heavily in myself and getting caught up on doing the things I needed to do. I also had a lot of guilt stemming from things I should have done, but did not or could not least not at that time.

I've had to shed a lot of that guilt and realize that I am doing the best I can right now and things are only getting better for myself, and those around me.

More to follow...


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